I'm pretty sad I only have one of these! I should have bought more at the time (2 years ago) because I've found they aren't quite the same anymore. I have one in a bigger size that isn't the same texture of wool. This brown one seems to be
felted better.
A brief background on wool covers (since they aren't as widely used with the cloth diapers as the polyurethane laminate are): wool is breathable and naturally anti-microbial. It doesn't need to be washed often (or even rinsed, unless it gets poop directly on it), but when you do wash it you have to use a special wash, such as Woolite or Eucalan. It also needs to be periodically
lanolized , but only if you sense they are feeling more damp than usual. A wool cover, when it has a soaked diaper inside of it, feels somewhat humid to the touch; however, it's working hard to evaporate the moisture into the air. They are fantastic for overnight.
So, this particular wool cover is just a really nice fit (on my babies, anyways...). The shape is great, good snug fit around the legs, and a nice high waist panel. A friend of mine did have trouble with the leg gusset thread coming undone, but she took them back for replacement and was only able to get a refund... however, she loved them so much that now she wishes she'd kept them and fixed them herself!
Purchased at The
Extraordinary Baby Shoppe.